First insect museum in Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Coimbatore

First insect museum in Tamil Nadu Agricultural University CoimbatoreFirst insect museum in Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Coimbatore

India’s first insect museum with state-of-the-art amenities was unveiled at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University campus in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Established at the department of agricultural entomology at a cost of Rs 5 crore and fully funded by the State, the museum will displays insects preserved as specimens as also live ones depicting their different developmental stages, images, videos and models of their unique behaviour, habits and habitats.

The museum begins in the lobby depicting theme, ‘Bugs are Kings’ and a carved insect tree, with exhibiting area comprising seven radial walls displaying insect diversity, biology, beneficial insects, insect and plants and cultural entomology with four thematic charts and their respective exhibits under each theme.

There will be curated specimens of 27 insect orders along with charts. A related video is projected on the top of the walls. Theme related insect diorama is placed in the centre of each section. There is a butterfly dome with live plants in a rock type fountain.

Three touch screen facilities with information on insect trivia, insect records and insects and you have been created. Two insectoscope units to know insect-based horoscope are in place declaring that insects are friends. There is also a section on social insect exhibiting termite mounds and bee hives. The rear side iof the museum is aimed motivating general public, students, research scholars, agricultural officials and farmers about insects.

A souvenir shop and a mini auditorium to screen insect movies and documentaries have been set up.are available. Ramp is provided for the physically challenged. This special cover issued on 04-12-2018.