World Tuberculosis Day -TB Day

World Tuberculosis Day – TB Day, observed on 24 March each year, is designed to build public awareness about the global epidemic of tuberculosis (TB) and efforts to eliminate the disease.

World Tuberculosis Day -TB Day History of Tuberculosis Day

World Tuberculosis Day -TB Day In 1882, Dr. Robert Koch discovered the cause of tuberculosis, the TB bacillus. During that time tuberculosis was rampant in Europe. Many doctors and scientists were left without any clue as to why these people were catching this disease and dying from it within weeks.

While the discovery of this cause leads eventually to a treatment. Not many people recognized this historical event. In 1982, the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease proposed the idea of Tuberculosis Day.

It was seen as a way to raise awareness of Koch’s work as well as educate people about tuberculosis. The holiday, however, wasn’t officially recognized by the United Nations and WHO’s World Health Assembly until a decade later.World Tuberculosis Day -TB DayOn September of 2018, the United Nations General Assembly held the first High-Level Meeting on ending tuberculosis globally. Tuberculosis Day commemorates Koch’s discovery by raising awareness of the severity tuberculosis can bring if not treated.

According to WHO, global efforts to combat TB have saved an estimated 54 million lives since the year 2000. This meant that they reduced the TB mortality rate by 42%. This day encourages the urgency to push global leaders to pay attention to tuberculosis by building accountability.World Tuberculosis Day -TB DayIt also hopes to scale up prevention and treatments, promote the end to the stigma of the disease. These efforts will promote a more efficient response to treating tuberculosis.

How to Celebrate Tuberculosis Day

Celebrate Tuberculosis Day by researching Koch’s work and learn about how he discovered the bacteria that has caused so many deaths over the past decades. Attend public seminars, put flyers out to your local community and donate money to a charitable organization that supports tuberculosis research.World Tuberculosis Day -TB Day Raise awareness to tuberculosis by sharing facts and information about tuberculosis on social media using the hashtag #tuberculosisday. Let your friends and family know what tuberculosis. Encourage them to speak to a doctor about it if they believe they have symptoms of active tuberculosis.

World Tuberculosis Day -TB Day Themes by year

Each World TB Day addresses a different theme. The following is a list of annual themes: